SALI Cohort 2023-2024

The Dr. Peter D. Englin Student Affairs Leadership Institute is named after Pete Englin, who served Iowa State University from 1989 to 2023 and served in a variety of leadership roles in the Division of Student Affairs. These included roles in the Department of Residence for ten years, Dean of Students Office with five years as the Dean, and then returned back to the Department of Residence in 2005 as Director of Residence, and named Associate Vice President for Campus Life and Director of Residence in 2017. Pete was a champion for the Student Affairs Leadership Institute and was a long-time facilitator of the program before his retirement in 2023. 

The Institute was created to support Division of Student Affairs efforts centered on creating local professional and personal development opportunities for staff early to mid-career in student affairs or newer to the division. Annual participation will be limited to 20-persons and includes an interactive monthly meeting that includes content experts, small-group dialogue sessions, presentations, readings, and case studies.

Institute objectives

To create space and opportunity for Division of Student Affairs staff members to:

  • Engage in critical thought and reflection around leadership
  • Process the individual, cultural, and institutional elements related to student affairs work
  • Create connections among student affairs colleagues that enhances learning and career development 
  • Have an opportunity to process campus and national issues with colleagues

Participants are required to:

  • Attend all sessions
  • Engage in the Institute’s large and small-group dialogues and reflections
  • Develop your own network through interactions with professionals from student affairs and across the ISU community
  • Participate in dialogic practice (e.g., read an article or theory, come together for a discussion, share how leadership is taking place in your sphere of influence, and reinforce community values
  • Discuss the value of your experience with your supervisor and/or department/unit leadership and ways to use them in your role
  • Serve as a listed Institute participant for staff interested in joining future cohorts


  • Develop your critical reflection and dialogic skills while cultivating meaningful professional relationships with SALI members before, during, and after the Institute
  • Build your personalized professional development and personal growth prior to, during, and following the Institute
  • Engage in a supportive network of professionals from student affairs
  • Receive recognition of Institute membership at the Division of Student Affairs annual awards meeting

Sessions are 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with lunch included.
Institute Dates: 

  • September 19
  • October 17
  • November 21
  • December 19 (12:00-4:30 pm) 
  • January 23
  • February 20
  • March 27
  • April 15 (Division of Student Affairs Annual Awards Ceremony)

Application Process

Applicants for the current year must complete the Qualtrics application form, after confirming with their supervisor they have support to participate in the program. 

Applications must be submitted electronically by September 8. Applicants will be notified of their selection status no later than September 13.

SALI is a wonderful opportunity to get out of your bubble, connect with new colleagues, and get behind-the-scenes insights from other departments within the Division of Student Affairs. I learned about so many different units, some of which seemed irrelevant to my own work at first glance. However, the presentations, tours, and thoughtful discussions we have had helped me realize how interconnected all campus partners are to one another. I feel as though my brain has been stretched to look for future opportunities to collaborate with my SALI cohort and other offices within the division. Since participating, I feel more confident, knowledgeable, and connected, plus I had a ton of fun!

I participated in SALI during my first year working at Iowa State and it provided a great structure to learn about the university! During my time in SALI, I gained valuable insights into the various roles on campus and the ways departments across campus work together to support students and staff. Not only did SALI help me develop as a professional within Iowa State, but it also provided the opportunity to build relationships with staff across Student Affairs that I remain connected with to this day."

A headshot of Pete Engling wearing a red Iowa State zip up

Dr. Pete Englin